Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Are you Changing or Transforming your body?

It has been awhile since I took the time to sit and write to the world. To express a vision leaving people empowered, fulfilled, and ready to take on their life and their body! I wanted to use this post to get back to the reason of "why" we do what we do. Why do we workout? Why do we choose vegetables over a decadent chocolate cake? Why do we wake up early to go do cardio before work? Something to look at is if we do it from a place of empowerment or a place of not enough or finding happiness only when you reach a certain goal. 

Recently, I have taken the Landmark Forum (if you haven't yet, ask me about it) and it opened me up to a new world of possibility. Not only in my business, but also in how I show up in the lives of others as a personal trainer. I discovered most of my clients were coming to me because they wanted to change something about themselves. They did not like their love handles, the back fat hanging over their bra, the beer gut, or how skinny they felt. The context in which they started their training programs was based on making the way they already looked wrong and making the way they wanted to be right. What effect does this have on your training? 

When you go into a situation already disempowered you immediately create a space where happiness is absent until your goal is reached. This is why a lot of people quit early on or get discouraged when results do not happen quickly. I'm sure most of you know what I am talking about and have experienced it in some way! You find this amazing new diet that's finally going to get that extra 20 pounds off before the holidays. You have that cute red dress you have been dying to fit into for years and your sure this diet is going to work. Its been two weeks, you're only down two pounds, and the red dress still doesn't fit. GAH!!!! All you can think about is how you're going to have to wear pants and semi-cute top for Christmas. For crying out loud, this is seeming to be a disaster and you still can't stand how I look in the mirror. This creates a negative relation to anything fitness and a persons self-image! Ok ok, you're probably like seriously Angela what the heck am I supposed to think when something doesn't work? 

Take a second and try this on...........

Imagine beginning any fitness/nutrition regime with the mindset, "I am already perfect the way I am, but I am choosing to transform my body in a different way." HOLY FREEDOM!!!! In doing this you allow yourself to start from a place of empowerment! When you come from empowerment you are unstoppable. Imagine if you decided to lose 20 pounds because you wanted to see more muscle. You walked into the gym ready to fulfill on your commitment because it was something you chose and were excited about. You shared yourself with everyone around you and you kept your word to yourself and lost 20 pounds! Can you imagine? 

Personally, I know all too well what this feels like. I used to be a person, and still am sometimes, who was ran by my emotions. My successes and failures were what made who I was as a person. If I didn't have the perfect body or I looked to manly then how could anyone ever want to listen to me or help me. I remember days I would cry and wouldn't even want to lift weights because I was afraid it would take away my femininity. I was showing up at the gym disempowered and wanting to change everything about me I thought didn't look good or was wrong about me. It wasn't until I took this seminar did I realize I was resigned from doing what I love. I stopped living freely and fearlessly. I wasn't choosing my life I was basing my decisions on the considerations I had of others. So I opened my eyes and decided to lift heavy weight and sweat all over the place because it excited me and I LOVE IT! So I come to you with an important question.............What excites/inspires you?

With all of that said......

I am committed to empowering people on fulfilling what matters to them! I am constantly discovering my passion for transforming people’s bodies and lives. I create a fun environment and tailor my programs to fit the busy lifestyles of people wanting to excel in all areas! 

If a transformation is something you want in life or you have any questions reach out to me on instagram or through email!

Email:     IG: @fitnezamazon

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