Sunday, July 31, 2016

Have you tried this supplement yet?

Most of you have seen the latest bodybuilder or fitness model repping their favorite supplement companies, but few of you know what really works. Let alone how it works, why it works, and what makes a supplement superior to another. Right? Trust me if I was in your position I would feel the same way too. Luckily, I have spent quite a bit of my free time trying a plethora of supplements some of which do not work for me and others I run and tell everyone about. As most of you know I am an ambassador for Ergogenix on and I rave about their products constantly! I have been in the fitness industry for about 7 years and this company has the first pre-workout my body has yet to become adapted too......along with many other notable points I will list below.

For you skeptics out there, remember this is solely my opnion, and this blog is based on what clients and personal experience has shown me.

Now on to the good stuff! I have tried everything from C4 Thermal Shock, N.O. Explode, Hemo-Shock, Psychotic, Beet Root Extract, Thriller ect. and I always either crash or just stop feeling the effects. Now we all know you do not have to feel it to know its working, but it is definitley an upside. I would get so frustrated knowing after half of a container was gone I would feel sluggish and unmotivated. This preworkout wasnt doing squat anymore. The process usually took about one month and eventually the time span became shorter depending on the supplement I was taking. Now mind you, depending on your tolerance to stimulants, there will be a difference in your response to most pre-exercise supplements. The point I am getting across is I have yet to crash, I have yet to be unfocused, I have yet to not have a pump during every workout, and I have yet to not want to tell the world about ErgoBlast! It has been over 4 months!

If you have yet to try a supplement or are needing something to help boost you through your workout I would highly recomend trying ErgoBlast because.....
  • Insane pump factor with 6grams of citruline (basically makes your muscles feel full of blood and ripped)
  • 300mg of caffeine (you would expet to crash right? Nope. At least not for me. I believe this has to do with the l-tyrosine preventing a hard crash and balancing dopamine levels in the brain.)
  • 1000mg of Creatine - Helps to build and maintain metabolically active muscle tissue and in turn helps to burn fat 
  • 10mg of Zinc - This helps with mild testosterone production, dont worry ladies this will not hurt you, and also acts as an anti-inflammatory and immune booster!! Great for anyone performing an intense workout routine!
These are just some of the main points I wanted to point out! So why should you try it? Well I always blab about the importance of consistency, and these products have definitley helped me stay there! It is always a good idea to have some key players in your fitness routine. These are a few you will always find in my gym bag......
  1. Ergoblast Strawberry Ice - Preworkout
  2. ErgoAmino Plus - BCAA with Green Tea for an extra boost in the middle of my day 
  3. ErgoZZZ - I take two almost every night to help me sleep
  4. Dymatize Iso -100 Strawberry Protein - I use this about 2-3x a day

At the end of the day we all have a goal we want to reach.We have sales people trying to make a buck and genuine people sharing genuine results. I choose to be the latter of the two. Remember to choose wisely whenever starting a supplement program and never be afraid to ask for help.

Find Ergogenix Products @ 
Enter Code: Ergofern10 for an additional 10% DISCOUNT

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