Thursday, February 11, 2016

Ever thought about competing?

So as you all know I have begun my 16 week prep for the June 4th NPC Idaho Classic! I will be competing in the figure division and as much as I am excited I am also nervous. Initially I was going to do a weekly update, but have decided to do an update every two weeks instead, This will allow me time to talk about other current fitness topics rather than just myself hehe! I am not sure if you know, but this is my first time competing EVER! Yes, not every personal trainer has to compete to  be good at what they do. Some of us go to college and get certified so we can help a multitude of people. Can you sense my irritation for people who think they can train just because they got on stage? Ok ok so progress update,,,,,,,,,
Week 1

These seven days would have any competitor rolling on the floor laughing. It was like someone put sand in my gas tank and everything stalled. Among my full time job, working out, partying, cleaning, blogging, and working on my brand I for sure was on top of everything, right? WRONG! I would meal prep for three days and then wing it the next couple, which eventually lead to me over eating and reaching for that cookie in the pantry. Oh and cardio, yea I got it in one time hoping to see drastic results. The one thing I did change was the type of food I ate and I honestly cleaned up my diet. This week definitely was a realization, as I really needed to get my shit together.

Total Weight Loss = 4lbs

Week 2

Ok I finally got  my head on straight and meal prepped for every day that I worked. Yes, I was that
woman walking in with her old school plastic lunch box and munching on my ground turkey meat and edamame beans! It was a little easier to get into a routine this time and I also made sure to get at least get 7 hours of sleep. My boyfriend has been helping me with my daily ice cream cravings as being on my female blessing causes massive sugar withdrawals. The hardest part for me this week was doing my cardio after workouts. When your tired, sore, and just want to go home the only way your going to make it is by forcing yourself on the machine. I did 30 minutes three times this week and will up it as I start to plateau. The best part is I feel I'm going to get to know my body on a whole new level.

Total Weight Loss = 6lbs and down 2% body fat :)

Want to know what I am doing? Check it out below........

Calories: 2000
Carbohydrates: 200 grams
Fat: 56 grams
Protein: 180 grams

If you are planning on doing a show I can not stress the importance of logging your food! Pretty much unless you have a set meal plan written out for you, then you HAVE to log! If you are unsure about where you should start, ask someone. Do not just go on the internet and copy a plan off google hoping you will get the results your seeking. Be diligent in your planning and do not expect to be perfect right off the bat. Even personal trainers with 8 years of experience have to find a way to mesh life and fitness!

I will be posting YouTube videos to go along with my every other week updates so be sure to tune in and don't forget to subscribe! Also my website is in the works and almost finished so you will be able to purchase personalized meal plans and exercise routines made by the infamous Amazon! YAY!! 

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