Saturday, April 2, 2016

Don't do these 2 things at the gym!!

Your just starting out your new workout routine because summer is on its way! After your first hardcore session you quickly realize how out of shape you really are. We have all been there so don't worry. You end up being sore, or having delayed onset muscle soreness, and cant figure out if you should go to the gym or not. You also are feeling a little sick and are having impaired breathing and trouble focusing. You should go to the gym anyway, right? I mean you have all these goals and you just started, so you must push through. NO PAIN NO GAIN. I hate to be the barer of bad news, but this is the wrong mentality. Your body needs rest. Yes it is a machine, but unfortunately it doesn't run off Pennzoil! So listen are two things you should never do at the gym!!!

#1: Workout Sore Muscles 

So some basic knowledge before I just say you cant do something, because no one likes being told NO! When you workout you are tearing your muscles at a cellular level. Literally shredding them down so they can repair to a stronger and bigger state. Remember we are talking about your average person who is going to the gym to accomplish some goal (ie. weight loss, lean and tone, or muscle building). Say you go to the gym to have a leg day. You get a great lift, but the next day you can barely sit on the toilet. If you were to go back to the gym and workout legs again while sore, you would be tearing that muscle even more which could lead to worse damage of the tissue. A better idea would be to split up your days...
Monday - Chest and Shoulders 
Tuesday - Legs 
Wednesday - Back and Arms
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Chest and Shoulders 
Saturday - Legs 
Sunday - Back and Arms 

Remember you want to do your cardio after lifts to burn primarily fat. If the above rotation is too much for you, you can split your days into one upper body day and one lower body day. Cycle through these and maybe have a cardio or rest day in between depending on your goals. It is so important to rest your muscles and listen to your body! At least if you split up your days then your still getting the calorie burn as well as chiseling another muscle group. 

#2: Going to the Gym Sick

This is a bigger deal than many people think. My clients know this very well because I have sent them home for coming in to train sick. Yes I serious. First of all your a walking germ on the gym floor possibly infecting everyone else. Now that's not very nice!! Ok, but on a serious note, your body is trying to fight an infection. Basically, the reasons for you feeling tired, full of mucus, and on medication (not always the case). When you workout while sick your body has to use the energy it needed for fighting off your sickness towards increased heart rate, muscle tearing, and additional stressors. You just gave your body twice the work to do, which means the healing process will take that much longer. Learn to appreciate rest and give your body time to do so. 

How to help Muscle Soreness:

1. Use Epsom Salt baths (1-2 cups salt in as hot of water as you can stand)
2. Stretch before and after exercise 
3. Roll your muscles with foam (myofascial release) 
4. Take a magnesium supplement or ZMA 
5. I always take BCAA's before bed, especially after a hard workout. Below I have a brand I represent     and have seen amazing results from!

I know we live in a world of constant movement and change, but it is vital to take a moment for yourself. If you rest your body you will achieve the physique you want in a healthy way. You know the old adage of "Rome wasn't built in a day" well its true. Remember how long it took to get your body out of shape? Well cut it some slack when it comes to getting back into shape! 

My Recommendation: Ergogenix ErgoAminoPlus (has green tea extract) and ErgoAmino (before bed) 

You can get these at!

Enter Ergofern10 at checkout to get an additional 10% off!

P.S. I will have a video of my favorite shoulder exercise soon! Don't forget to check out my YouTube for updates!

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